Partner with You Can Play
We love our partners of every size and sport, and work through our partners to make change in sport inclusivity. Our approach is to empower and work within partner organizations encourage and support their inclusion efforts by bringing our wealth of resources and intimate knowledge sport business to bear. We thrive through our strong partnerships with organizations and people who care deeply about LGBTQ+ sport inclusion...and understand the work is not done.

Develop bespoke programming and partnership to meet goals
We work with your staff, team, administration and decision makers to develop a comprehensive approach to inclusion efforts that include events, outreach, education, policy & communications support and alignment to your goals
Community engagement & programming
You Can Play's team works with your team to administrate and support the inclusivity programming every step along the way. We ensure the work aligns with your goals and brings real and lasting change to improve inclusivity in sport.
Commitment to your mission
You Can Play works within your team, company, league or organizations structure to build realistic but aggressive goals for your inclusion work, and supports you until their completion. Your reach and voice is the key to success and using your existing and authentic approach will always make the most and best change in your community for inclusion and beloning.