Welcome to You Can Play University

Education Services
We provide all our programs in a variety of formats, so everyone can access our materials.
Explore our education programs, learn at your own pace, earn badges and certificates.
We work with partners to run live and in-person workshops. Fill out the form below to learn more.
Review our wide collection of resources to increase your inclusion efforts and optimize your team discussions.
What we teach:
Our custom offerings help ensure awareness in the athletics space so LGBTQ+ athletes have the ability to play as their authentic self. ​
Our trainings cover topics including:
LGBTQ+ Terminology
Supporting athletes coming out
Inclusive coaching strategies
De-escalation tactics
Trans athlete / attendee best practices
Inclusive policy checklists
Sport-specific culture courses
After You Can Play Training
of learners said they learned a new inclusion tactic they could implement the same day
said they felt better prepared to have conversations with friends and family about LGBTQ+
terms and topics
said they felt equipped to intervene if they saw bigoted behavior or displays of homophobia